Scope in JavaScript

Mohammad Shehadeh
1 min read1 day ago


The scope is where values and expressions are available for use. Scopes can be treated as a pyramid where child scopes have access to parent scopes.

JavaScript has 3 types of scope:

  • Global scope
  • Function scope
  • Block scope

Global Scope

The scope that contains and is accessible in all other scopes

const someVar = "declared in the global scope";

function someFunction() {
console.log(someVar); // accessible inside the function scope


Function Scope

The scope created with a function

function someFunction() {
const someVar = "declared inside a function";


console.log(someVar); // Reference error, (accessible only inside the function scope)

Variables created inside a function scope cannot be accessed from outside the function

Block Scope

The scope created with a pair of curly braces

function someFunction() {
const someVar = "declared inside a function";

if (someVar) {
const someVar2 = 'declared inside a block';

console.log(someVar2); // Reference error (accessible only inside the block scope)


Variables created inside a block scope cannot be accessed from outside the block

Blocks only scope let and const declarations, but not var declarations due to hoisting.

var someVar = 1;

console.log(someVar); // 1

const someVar = 1;

console.log(someVar); // ReferenceError: someVar is not defined




Mohammad Shehadeh

Hello friend! I’m Mohammad a passionate engineer who is dedicated to staying at the forefront of technology.